United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Practice

In 2015, the United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development formally adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aiming to guide the global sustainable development work from 2015.

2015 to 2030. We actively respond to various sustainable development goals,identify priorities, and take diversified actions to achieve sustainable development.


Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources


Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

We established a solid HSE system, thoroughly implemented the safety production responsibility system, strengthened occupational disease prevention screening and safety protection, and implemented a variety of measures to effectively protect employees’ health and safety.
We can process 44 of the 46 major categories of hazardous waste on the National Hazardous Waste List, greatly reducing the health risks posed by hazardous waste exposure.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

We guarantee that no gender discrimination exists in the recruitment and employment processes.
By 2023, 49% of our workforce was female.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

We strictly follow laws and regulations, as well as national and local standards, and treat the sewage and leachate generated during the operation process strictly to ensure that pollutant indicators of the treated wastewater meet discharge standards. We will hand over to a qualified third party for treatment for projects that do not have treatment conditions to maximize the avoidance of water pollution.
In 2023, at least one hazardous waste treatment project achieved 100% reuse of production wastewater and “zero discharge”.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

We are still optimizing the energy structure. We continue to invest in Shenzhen and other locations to accelerate vehicle upgrades, and purchase a large number of new energy equipment, such as electric tricycles and LNG vehicles, to accelerate the construction of a clean, efficient, safe, and sustainable energy supply system.
In 2023, the Group’s fleet of new energy environmental sanitation vehicles accounted for 14% of all environmental sanitation vehicles.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

We adhere to the “people-oriented” goal, continuously attracting, cultivating, and retaining exceptional talent.
We thoroughly assess employees’ individual performance, working abilities and market conditions, to offer them fair and industry-competitive remuneration and benefits.
A large number of positions in the Group are in outlying areas. We pay special attention to local talents in order to promote the local economic development and employment. During the reporting period, many new employees were hired from the project locations.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

We are committed to developing a new type of “digital intelligence” business by applying technological innovations such as mobile Internet, IOT, AI, big data, and cloud computing to business scenarios, as well as realizing the refinement, standardization and intelligent management of people, objects, and things in projects.
We have consistently strengthened strategic cooperation with enterprises and joint innovation with scientific research institutions, conducted numerous technical exchanges, and achieved remarkable innovative patent achievements through our own continuous research and practice. We also take the lead in the preparation of standards and specifications, and are committed to leading the industry to mutual progress.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

Heading for beautiful villages, we have established and improved a long-term mechanism for the construction and protection of rural living environment. We have stepped up efforts to improve and manage rural living environment, and comprehensively improved the overall quality of the rural environment to create a new pattern of beautiful village.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

Our urban services business, as a professional municipal operator, mainly covers all-region sanitation, sanitation facility management, city station (public toilet +) service system, garbage classification, water (sea) cleaning, landscaping, municipal facility management, public property, and urban emergency protection, all of which contribute to the sustainable development of cities and communities.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

The Group adheres to customer-centricity, collects and responds to customer suggestions and feedback proactively, and continuously improves customer satisfaction.
There were no major complaints about product quality or services in the Group’s hazardous waste treatment and urban services business in 2023. The citizen service hotline of the subsidiary Zhongyan Property Management achieved a 100% response rate, solution rate, and satisfaction rate.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

To reduce harm and pollution to people and the environment, we tackle climate change by strictly controlling pollution emissions, advocating energy conservation and consumption reduction, and controlling dust, wastewater, waste gas, noise, vibration, and construction lighting generated during project construction or operation.
We calculate and disclose greenhouse gas emissions data on a regular basis to assess the impact of our business activities on climate change.

Other related items

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

The Group actively participated in rural revitalization efforts, establishing and improving a long-term mechanism for the construction and management of rural living environments, and comprehensively establishing the village cleaning system, to improve the rural environment, and shape a new pattern of beautiful villages.

The Group has developed the Donation Management Measures (《捐赠管理办法》) to actively carry out relief donations to disaster-affected areas, designated poverty alleviation areas, designated assistance areas, or disadvantaged groups, as well as to social welfare endeavors such as science, education, culture, health and sports, environmental protection, energy conservation, and emission reduction, in a bid to better fulfill corporate social responsibilities.
In 2023, the Group made charitable and other donations amounting to RMB 661,900.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

The Group actively participated in rural revitalization efforts, establishing and improving a long-term mechanism for the construction and management of rural living environments, and comprehensively establishing the village cleaning system, to improve the rural environment, and shape a new pattern of beautiful villages.

The Group has developed the Donation Management Measures (《捐赠管理办法》) to actively carry out relief donations to disaster-affected areas, designated poverty alleviation areas, designated assistance areas, or disadvantaged groups, as well as to social welfare endeavors such as science, education, culture, health and sports, environmental protection, energy conservation, and emission reduction, in a bid to better fulfill corporate social responsibilities.
In 2023, the Group made charitable and other donations amounting to RMB 661,900.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

We adhere to the strategy of “strengthening enterprises with talents”, and improve the top-level design of staff training. We optimize the training mode for in-service employees, and establish a training program for reserve talents to further promote the systematic build-up of the whole lifecycle of talents.
In 2023, the Group’s per capita training time was 78.22 hours.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

We conduct an environmental impact assessment on the project in strict accordance with national laws and regulations, and we have stringent requirements on project site selection to avoid damage and impact on the habitat of surrounding organisms caused by project operation.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

We continue to expand our business boundaries by leveraging our resources, technologies and industry strengths. We maintain the cleanliness of key areas of ecological protection such as scenic spots, actively participate in forest fire rescue, mobilize employees to plant trees, and contribute to the protection of ecology and biodiversity.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

We strictly adhere to national laws and regulations on anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, and anti-fraud, adhere to responsible business principles, and are committed to maintaining our reputation and continuously improving market competitiveness.
There are no judicial proceedings related to corruption, fraud, or money laundering in the Group in 2023.

Actions by Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources

We collaborate with suppliers to achieve win-win outcomes and are dedicated to increasing the level of environmental and social risk management in the supply chain.
We vigorously promote the development of a green supply chain, giving preference to suppliers who present the well ESG performance.