ESG management system

ESG concepts

Living environment is a vast system encompassing cities, towns, and rural areas where people reside, functioning as a multifaceted organic complex, and it is a multifunctional organic synthesis, in which clean and tidy spatial space and high quality ecological environment are important elements. We are committed to providing digital, intelligent and professional urban services to help make people’s living environments cleaner, more comfortable, safer, and more beautiful, and ensure their sense of gain and happiness.

We actively undertake our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) responsibilities, continue to improve the ESG work concept, implement work in the four key ESG areas, gradually improve the Group’s ESG governance capability and management level, and effectively prevent and control ESG related risks, to promote the high-quality development of the Group.

Improve ESG governance structure

We build a systematic ESG governance structure at the governance, management and execution levels. We have established a Sustainability Committee under the Board of Directors to monitor the implementation and effect of ESG management including Climate Change, Employee Safety and Health, Labour Management, Waste Management and Pollutant Discharge, Information Security, Business Ethics, and Sustainable Supply Chain Building, etc., address major ESG issues, identify ESG opportunities and risks, assess the impact of the Group’s ESG matters on stakeholders and regularly report to the Board of Directors. Management is responsible for the specific implementation of ESG strategies and goals. The functional departments of the headquarters form an ESG working group, which is responsible for the development of specific ESG work in their respective working areas. Each project company conducts ESG work in its territories guided by the ESG working group.

Strengthen the environmental and safety risk management

A sound environmental and safety risk management system is the basic guarantee of long-term and stable operation of the Company. We attach great importance to environmental and safety risk management capabilities, continuously improve the HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) management system and the Company’s safety and environmental protection work, and prevent environmental protection risks. Through strict control of hidden dangers, we have gradually set up internal safety and environment management and control structure and implemented various environmental and safety risk investigation mechanisms. The urban services business piloted a territorial administration management model, increased the development and utilization of new energy vehicles and driverless vehicles, and increased the use of recycled water, thereby gradually reducing the impact of the Company’s business on the environment. The hazardous waste treatment business ensures that waste water, waste gas and solid waste meet the standards of discharge, and gradually increases the recycling rate to reduce consumption of resources.

Ensure fulfillment of social responsibility

Devoted to the principle of “people-oriented”, we strengthen caring for employees, solve difficult problems for employees and give them substantial help to make sure our employees have a sense of gain, belonging and honor, and promote the creation of corporate value through the realization of employee value. We actively fulfill social responsibilities and carry out rural revitalization projects. We passionately publicize environmental protection laws and policies, organize various environmental charity publicity activities, and spread scientific knowledge of environmental protection among the community, continuously gathering the power of environmental protection culture. In the future, we will boost the spread of environmental protection culture, continue to popularize environmental hygiene knowledge, create a beautiful environment, and practice the corporate mission of “making the living environment better”.

Guarantee compliance operation

While promoting business development, we continue to improve our risk management and control capabilities, create a risk management culture to ensure the balance of the realization of business goals and risk control and implement various management policies. We continue to improve the internal control and anti-fraud system to create a clean and upright atmosphere. We make full use of monitoring and auditing methods and continuously improve audit coverage, and regulate the behavior of both management and ordinary employees, to keep the bottom line of compliance.

Stakeholder communication

Our main external stakeholders include government and regulators, shareholders and investors, customers, business partners, suppliers and subcontractors, public figures/public welfare organizations, news media and community residents, and our internal stakeholders mainly include members of the Board of Directors, senior management and employees. We have established effective communication channels with various stakeholders to actively collect and understand their concerns on the Group’s ESG issues.

  • Stakeholders
  • Major communication channels
  • Key concerns
  • Government and regulators
    • Major meetings• Policy consultation• Event reporting• Institutional visits• Information disclosure
    • Compliance with laws and regulations• Tax payment on time• Legal compliance• Energy conservation and emission reduction• Production safety
  • Shareholders and investors
    • Investors’ meetings• Shareholders’ meetings• Corporate announcements and circulars• Investor relations column• Questionnaire surveys
    • Corporate governance• Financial performance• Stable returns• Risk management
  • Customers
    • Customer meetings• Customer satisfaction survey• Customer complaint channels• Questionnaire surveys
    • Customer service• Privacy protection
  • Business partners
    • Assessment and evaluation• Field trips• Cooperation meetings• Questionnaire surveys
    • Business ethics• Mutual benefit and win-win cooperation• Equal competition
  • Suppliers and subcontractors
    • Bidding and procurement activities• Field trips• Regular assessment and review• Questionnaire surveys
    • Business ethics• Mutual benefit and win-win cooperation• Payment process
  • Members of the Board of Directors
    • Meetings of the Board of Directors• Committee meetings• Company annual reports• Questionnaire surveys
    • Strategic plans• Risk management• Financial performance• Code of ethics
  • Senior management
    • Meetings and talks• Employee activities• Telephone lines/emails• Work reports• Questionnaire surveys
    • Strategy implementation• Financial performance• Operational efficiency• Public relations
  • Employees
    • Working meetings• Staff meetings• Performance appraisal• Employee complaint channels• Questionnaire surveys
    • Compensation system• Employee rights• Health and safety• Communication mechanism
  • Members of public /public welfare organizations
    • Public welfare activities• Public Open Day• Questionnaire surveys
    • Community investment• Communication mechanism
  • News media
    • Performance briefings• Press release• Questionnaire surveys
    • Technological innovation• Ecological protection
  • Community residents
    • Public Open Day• Corporate announcements and circulars
    • Community investment• Compliance with laws and regulations