Mr. Zhou Chen

Mr. Zhou Chen was appointed as our executive Director on September 1, 2021. Mr. Zhou joined the Company in January 2021. He has been a director of three wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company, namely Beijing Enterprises Urban Environmental Services Group Limited* (北控城市環境服務集團有限公司), Beijing Enterprises Urban City (Beijing) Environmental Technology Limited* ( 北 控 城 市( 北 京 )環 境 科 技 有 限 公 司 ) and Beijing Enterprises Urban Environmental Resources (PRC) Limited* (北控城市環保資源投資(中國)有限公司). Mr. Zhou has been appointed as the president assistant of the Company since May 2021, where he has been primarily responsible for business development. Prior to joining the Company, from May 2013 to October 2016, Mr. Zhou worked at METROLINX, a public agency engaging in public transportation services for the Ontario government in Canada, as a supervisor of financial operations and special projects, and was responsible for the financial system product design, financial process and operational management matters of the electronic payment business under the agency. From August 2019 to December 2020, Mr. Zhou served as an overseas strategy and business manager of Jingdong Digits Technology Holding Co., Ltd. (京東數字科技控股股份有 限公司) (now known as Jingdong Technology Holding Co., Ltd. (京東科技控股股份有限公司)), and was responsible for the overseas strategy of electronic payment and local business, business product strategy and business analysis.